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Winners of an essay contest on "The modern way of waste"

At the initiative of Bulecopack  and Pavlikeni Municipality, the sixth grade students of St. Kliment Ohridski Primary School and Bacho Kiro Secondary School had the opportunity to see up close where they go and how to treat household and separately collected waste.

The next stage of the educational campaign was an essay competition on "The Modern way of Waste".

The jury evaluated all the submitted essays and awarded the three best among them.

Here it is time to announce the winners of the competition:

First place: Emil Altunov from "Bacho Kiro" Secondary School wins Kindle e-reader

Second place: Marina Todorova from St. Kliment Ohridski Primary School wins XIAOMI smartwatch

Third place: Ivan Ivanov from St. Kliment Ohridski Primary School wins XIAOMI wireless headphones

The prize for the most active participation in the competition is won by the students from 6 B class of St. Kliment Ohridski Primary School, who sent the most essays. The whole class and the winners of the competition will visit the polyethylene recycling plant in Sofia.