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According to Art. 33, Para. 4 of the WMA each commercial site, production and administrative building is obliged to separate the paper and cardboard, plastic, metal and glass waste.

In order to fulfill this obligation, the owners and keepers of commercial sites, as well as the persons responsible for production, industrial and administrative buildings need to conclude a contract with a company which is in the possession of a permit or registration document for activities with wastes, issued according to the stipulations of Art. 35 from the WMA, or with a packaging recovery organization. 

The way to arrange the separate waste collection (in separate waste collection containers, bags, at certain sites, etc.) is not specified.

The above-mentioned persons can also use the separate waste collection system, built-up by a packaging recovery organization, without signing a contract with this organization, only if the packaging waste generated by them is not significant and does not affect the functioning of the system, which means that the wastes disposed of these persons should not lead to overfilling of the containers and thus making them impossible to be used by the citizens.

The color containers for separate waste collection which are located in the municipalities are intended for households.

In all occasions, commercial sites should follow Municipal ordinances, applicable according to the situation of the site. In Sofia Municipality, for example, it is forbidden commercial sites to use the separate waste collection system for households.

Download Bulecopack’s brochure (only in Bulgarian) with instructions for commercial sites from here.

Detailed instructions from the experts of the Ministry of environment and waters (MEW) are available in Bulgarian language:

About the obligations of commercial sites download pdf here or follow the link:  http://www5.moew.government.bg/wp-content/uploads/file/Waste/VAPROSI_OTGOVORI/Zaduljeniya_turgovski_obekti.pdf

For implementing separate waste collection in administrative buildings download pdf here or follow the link:  http://www5.moew.government.bg/wp-content/uploads/file/Waste/VAPROSI_OTGOVORI/Ukazaniya_RSO_adm_sgradi.pdf

Sample inner rules for implementing and organizing the separate waste collection in administrative buildings download pdf here or follow the link: http://www5.moew.government.bg/wp-content/uploads/file/Waste/VAPROSI_OTGOVORI/Pravila_RSO.pdf