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Bulecopack and Kaloyanovo Municipality with an initiative for separate collection aimed at citizens
The square in front of the town hall in the village of Razhevo Konare adopted the initiative for separate collection of packaging waste "For a clean environment", organized by Bulecopack AD and the mu
Bulecopack and Veliki Preslav Municipality with a campaign for collection of paper and cardboard waste before the first day of school
For the third consecutive year, Bulecopack and Veliki Preslav Municipality organized a campaign for collection of paper and cardboard waste before the first day of school.
Bulecopack and the Municipality of Stara Zagora awarded the winners in the competition for a video "I collect packaging waste separately"
On June 22, at an official ceremony, the winners of the competition for a video "I collect packaging waste separately", which was organized by Bulecopack AD and the Municipality of Stara Zagora, were