Welcome to Bulecopack

400 flowers were planted by Bulecopack and the children from the kindergartens in Iskar region

Despite the changeable weather, the planting campaign “Think Green! Collect separately! Plant a flower! ”In the Iskar region ended with sunshine and many children's smiles.

During the initiative, organized by Bulecopack and Sofia Municipality - Iskar region, 400 flowers were planted in all kindergartens in the region.

The planting was attended by the mayor of "Iskar" - Mr. Ivaylo Tsekov, as well as employees of the district administration, to whom we thank for the good organization and the opportunity to organize another initiative that aims to form and stimulate a responsible attitude of the most -the little ones to nature.

Focus of the "Think Green!" Collect separately! Plant a plant! ”Organized by Bulecopack are the children in kindergartens and schools. The goal is to create habits in adolescents and to cultivate love and care for nature. Planting plants for the children to take care of themselves is an interesting experience, through which they become involved in environmental protection.

The children were very interested in planting the flowers and promised to take care of them. During the initiatives we had the opportunity to talk to them about separate collection as a way to protect the environment.

Here are all the kindergartens from the Iskar region that took part:

Kinder Garden 144 

Kinder Garden 185

Kinder Garden 108 

Kinder Garden 96

Kinder Garden 36 

Kinder Garden 21 

Kinder Garden 13 

Kinder Garden 88